Class 5 - Year 6

Welcome to Class 5- Year 6


A very warm welcome to Class 5 with Mrs Thomas and Mrs Morrow.  Here you will find out some information about our timetable, homework and general school routines.  This half term, our history topic is The Ancient Greeks.

The curriculum in Class 5 will continue to develop children’s skills, knowledge and understanding. The core elements of their learning are centred around English, Maths, Science and RE. Excellent progress in these areas will provide a strong foundation for development in other areas.

Year 6 prepares our pupils for their continued journey in education. The pupils will take on important new roles and responsibilities this year.  Each role allows pupils to gain confidence; develop their communication and listening skills; grow in maturity with increased responsibility and learn the importance of self-motivation.

We very much look forward to the year ahead and to working with parents/carers and our pupils to make this a very special year at St Mary's.


Homework is set 3 times per week, and is marked on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

  • Monday - Maths
  • Wednesday - Reading comprehension
  • Friday - Grammar, punctuation and spelling


It is expected that your child reads for at least 15 minutes per day.  The importance and value of reading regularly are enormous.  Your child will take an Accelerated Reader Test to establish their reading level, and will then choose books from the school library at the appropriate level.  Once the book is finished they will complete a Star Reader test to assess their comprehension of what they have read.  When they children reach a certain level they are able to select books from home to read, or from the school library.


Homework will recap the key skills being learnt that week as well as reinforcing the core arithmetic skills.

English – grammar and punctuation

Questions will recap key skills that the children should know and will also link to what we have covered in class.


The children will have weekly spellings to practise at home. Spellings will be tested on a Thursday.

Times Tables

These should be practiced regularly.  Having a secure knowledge of the times tables up to 12x12 as well as the corresponding division facts helps considerably with the rest of the year 6 Maths curriculum and in the speed at which calculations can be completed.  Your child has a login to TT Rockstars where they can practise.

General reminders

  • PE: We have PE on a Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure your child wears a named PE kit to school on this day.
  • Water bottles: Please ensure that your child brings a named water bottle in each day.
  • Snacks: Please ensure that snacks are healthy and nutritious. Please see our snack guidance for clarification.


Please feel free to contact us via SeeSaw if you have any questions about your child.




Class 5 timetable Autumn 2023

SATS Information

KS2 SATs tests are compulsory national tests for all pupils in England.  The tests measure children’s individual achievement, but also provide an insight into individual schools’ performance.

The children will sit SATs in:
• English reading
• Grammar, punctuation and spelling
• Maths paper 1 – arithmetic
• Maths paper 2 – reasoning and problem solving

The SATs for 2024 will take place in the week commencing Monday 13th May. 

Further information regarding the SATs and the administration of the tests will be provided in the Spring Term in a parent information evening.


Seesaw is an online platform used to share your child's work and facilitate communication between teacher and parent. Your child will be provided with log in information at the beginning of the school year.